Our interests

Posts related to our interests

A 36 hour taste of winter cycling

By |2019-08-15T10:03:13+02:00 6th December, 2014|Categories: Cycling, Kazakhstan, Nature|Tags: , , , , , , |

Our legs are shaking, our fingers are numb and we are only 500 meters away from the hostel where we stayed in Bishkek. A really nice place by the way, nice and comfortable, where the communal heating was on all day. So making the step from 23 degrees inside to minus 10 outside after three weeks was [...]

The road to Pompeii

By |2019-08-15T10:03:19+02:00 27th March, 2014|Categories: Cycling, History, Italy, Nature, People, Photography, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Happy to leave Rome we left it via the Via Appia, the road that the Romans took when they crossed the country over to Brindisi on the east coast. The Via Appia in our eyes is one of the secret gems of Rome. Most touristic attractions are completely overrun with people and here there are not too [...]

Days spent in Rome

By |2019-08-15T10:03:19+02:00 27th March, 2014|Categories: History, Italy, Other travellers, People, Travel tips|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Rome was our first big milestone and it was a cultural highlight that we were looking forward to. Susanne had already been there for one week with school when she was 15 and was curious if she would remember the sights and the stories. Martin wanted to wander in this city with great history, learn a lot [...]

Under the Tuscan sun

By |2019-08-15T10:03:19+02:00 16th March, 2014|Categories: Italy, Nature, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

We left Bologna after having a great evening with Marco and Margherita, our Warmshowers hosts. Wine had been flowing and we new we were heading for an ascent, but we weren’t fully prepared for the day that was waiting for us. Slowly we headed up the hills and down the hills to reach the top of Passo [...]

Old modern milk farming in the Swabian Alps

By |2019-08-15T10:03:20+02:00 17th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Interesting environment, Nature, Our interests, People|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

We were searching for a place for our tent and these days the weather is unpredictable, so we have been trying to find shelter in barns or sheds by farmers. This day we were in the Swabian Alps near the town of Scheer. We rode up the road to a farm. After asking around, a kind old man [...]

Brown coal mining in Germany

By |2014-02-07T13:37:37+01:00 7th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Nature, Our interests, People|Tags: , , |

Germany is known as one of the countries that is achieving the most on the part of renewable energy. We have already seen many windmills and also lots of houses with solar energy. Still not all energy comes from renewable sources. Fossil fuels are a part of the energy flow in Germany. The other day we passed [...]

Following the Rur and meeting the Rhein

By |2019-08-15T10:03:20+02:00 7th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Journey, People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Wow, what to say about the first days on the bicycle. First and foremost we have already been amazed by the hospitality on the way. Also we really appreciate the small things while cycling. The small rays of sun, the compliments and encouragements we give each other, the views and nice bicycling paths. Departure on Sunday the [...]

Tripreport Biking to Mum

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 4th November, 2013|Categories: People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , |

Before we depart on the 2nd of February we will have a few training runs on the bike. This weekend however had another important goal: giving my mum more information about our bike trip. By now she has seen our website, seen our movie about the Pyrenees trip and seen our bikes, though she still thinks we [...]

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