winter cycling

This is how we stay warm in winter as low as – 30°C

By |2019-08-15T10:03:59+02:00 24th October, 2015|Categories: This is how by, Travel tips|Tags: , |

‘This is how we stay warm in winter as low as - 30°C’ is a part of the series “This is how… by”. While cycling in winter sounds scary and cold, it can be a wonderful experience! We cycled off from home in the Netherlands during winter and crossed over the Alps before we got spring [...]

Following the south route to Ulaanbaatar, it changed me!

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 21st February, 2015|Categories: Mongolia, Off the beaten path, South western Mongolia, Winter cycling|Tags: , , , , |

In Altai I had time to think and decided on a change of plans. I now was planning to follow the south route to Ulaanbaatar. The original plan was to cycle north from Altai to Uliastai. Due to being in the winter of Mongolia I decided on the easier and shorter southern route Altai, Bayankhongor, Arvaikheer, Lun, [...]

Bulgan to Altai with camels and gers

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 24th January, 2015|Categories: High mountains, Mongolia, South western Mongolia, Winter cycling|Tags: , , , |

I was nervous as I was preparing the first leg Bulgan to Altai into western Mongolia, a leg of 600km with very little supplies and people, mind I say the Gobi desert. The photos Bulgan to Altai The morning came and I was as ready as I could be with a small cold coming along. I cycled out of [...]

We cycled to China, everything changed!

By |2019-08-15T10:03:12+02:00 1st January, 2015|Categories: China, North west China, Off the beaten path, Winter cycling|Tags: , , , |

Cycling is what we have been doing the last 11months, we are now used to the process and it has become a comfort zone of ours to cycle. We spent almost 4 months in the 'Stans' where change came in small bits. Now we have cycled to China and we have a hard time believing that we [...]

Central Asia: the final chapter

By |2019-08-15T10:03:13+02:00 29th December, 2014|Categories: Kazakhstan|Tags: , , , , , , |

Almaty, the second city and previous capital of Kazakhstan, felt like Europe to us. Expensive Burger King, household appliances, large super markets, food courts and even proper dental care. It was nice to be in a place where we could enjoy some luxuries, although we were missing the off the beaten track feel of the places we [...]

A 36 hour taste of winter cycling

By |2019-08-15T10:03:13+02:00 6th December, 2014|Categories: Cycling, Kazakhstan, Nature|Tags: , , , , , , |

Our legs are shaking, our fingers are numb and we are only 500 meters away from the hostel where we stayed in Bishkek. A really nice place by the way, nice and comfortable, where the communal heating was on all day. So making the step from 23 degrees inside to minus 10 outside after three weeks was [...]

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