
About Martin

Well who am I, a Danish guy born in 1981, a former scout, a former 9-17 worker, a traveller with a degree in electronics. I am crazy with nature, culture, people, outdoors and adventure. The last 8 years has been in the name of career in the world of ophthalmology, living in Denmark, Sweden and The Netherlands. I now go on another life changing adventure with Susanne which will open my eyes to a different world and not being bound to the consumerism of the western world. Want to know more, See Aboutor my G+

MSR Hubba Hubba HP

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 11th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , , |

The choice for our tent is important, because it is going to be home for the next year and a half. For us it was important the tent would be light, could work for us in multiple conditions, could stand alone, would have enough height and had entrances for both of us. Our previous tent was a tunnel [...]

Katabatic Sawatch

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 11th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , |

Our sleeping bags have been a point of long discussions. They are going to keep us warm during the cold days. We were looking for down sleeping bags, although it is quite controversial, and we wanted to save as much weight as possible. This brought us to the idea of a quilt sleeping bag. We came across [...]

Camera and accessories on tour

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 11th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , |

We have chosen for quite a full set up for photographing. We believe that being able to document this journey has great importance. Also we can used this to go deeper into certain subjects. Below you find the actual gear and descriptions of our camera and accessories on tour. Main Camera of choice: Sony [...]

Power Harvesting on Tour

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 11th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , |

Is this essential gear? To be clear: no, this is nice to have gear! We have chosen to bring certain electronic gear and to be able to use our electronics we have to be able to supply them with power, we have chosen to bring this gear so we can document our journey. Below we outline how [...]

Santos Travelmaster 26″

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 7th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , , |

After a whole lot of investigating we have finally chosen our bikes for the journey, the Santos travelmaster 26". Both of our bikes are Santos Travelmaster 2.6 aluminum and are custom built for us. Before choosing our bikes we needed to decide on three important points: steel/aluminum, 26/28 inch, Rohloff hub/derailleur. The Santos Travelmasters 2.6 have been awarded [...]

Siberia, a journey to lake Baikal

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 14th March, 2015|Categories: Russia|Tags: , , |

Reading about this massive lake in Siberia called lake Baikal made me wonder. After having stayed in Ulaanbaaatar for a few weeks I decided that I was too close to the lake Baikal and I had to go there. See the great photos of the frozen Baikal here A journey to Lake Baikal The journey from Ulaanbaatar to [...]

Following the south route to Ulaanbaatar, it changed me!

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 21st February, 2015|Categories: Mongolia, Off the beaten path, South western Mongolia, Winter cycling|Tags: , , , , |

In Altai I had time to think and decided on a change of plans. I now was planning to follow the south route to Ulaanbaatar. The original plan was to cycle north from Altai to Uliastai. Due to being in the winter of Mongolia I decided on the easier and shorter southern route Altai, Bayankhongor, Arvaikheer, Lun, [...]

Bulgan to Altai with camels and gers

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 24th January, 2015|Categories: High mountains, Mongolia, South western Mongolia, Winter cycling|Tags: , , , |

I was nervous as I was preparing the first leg Bulgan to Altai into western Mongolia, a leg of 600km with very little supplies and people, mind I say the Gobi desert. The photos Bulgan to Altai The morning came and I was as ready as I could be with a small cold coming along. I cycled out of [...]

The lone road to Tarkshken – China

By |2019-08-15T10:03:12+02:00 13th January, 2015|Categories: China, North west China, Off the beaten path, Winter cycling|Tags: , , |

Tarkshken the last town before Mongolia, I left Urumqi and Susanne on a cold morning, well all the mornings are cold at the moment. It was hard and a relief to be on the bike again. Enjoy the photos in the gallery Urumqi to Tarkshken I had enjoyed Urumqi with Susanne and we had celebrated new years there. [...]

The Pamir Highway M41- 4655m a real high

By |2019-08-15T10:03:14+02:00 6th November, 2014|Categories: High mountains, Hospitality, Kyrgyzstan, North eastern Tajikistan, Southern Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan|Tags: , , , , , , |

Anticipation... Expectations... Personal opinions and the Ak-Baital Pass. Cycling the The Pamir Highway M41 is not only about having the legs but definitely the stamina, the motivation and the persistence. Altitude sickness, bad roads, good and bad stories of other cyclists and illness are all a part of it. It has been a mind blowing, interesting cultural and physical [...]

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