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A short visit mainly due to a friend\'s wedding in Vienna so we only saw the very east of the country this time.

Just over the border we cycled into Bregenz and then again along the Rhein to Feldkirch. Here we started cycling up into the alps through Bludenz up to the Arlbergpass and down again to Sankt Anton. We also had our first encounters with the Via Claudia Augusta. Also have a look at our blog post <a title="Are we really cycling through the Alps?
" href="
"> Are we really cycling through the Alps?
" href="
"> Are we really cycling through the Alps?

Going through skiing territory in Austria we needed to take a shortcut through the snow to avoid a tunnel. After descending we started to follow the Via Claudia Augusta from Landeck for parts of the way. We then took a wrong turn and ended up at Old Finstermunz an old borderstation on the Swiss-Austrian border. We went back into Switzerland to take a small road up to the Reschenpass. And there was snow! Also have a look at our blog post <a title="Are we really cycling through the Alps?
" href="
"> Are we really cycling through the Alps?
" href="
"> Are we really cycling through the Alps?
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