South East Turkey

My mental battle of bicycle touring

By |2015-11-09T06:03:49+01:00 6th July, 2014|Categories: Reflections, South East Turkey, Thoughts, Turkey|Tags: , , , , |

The thing that is keeping me back most on this trip is my mind... It is hard to say but my mind is really screwed up sometimes. The last three days have been the hardest days for me on this trip. I was almost ready to call it quits. My mental battle of bicycle touring, how did [...]

Mardin to Hakkari, are we still in Turkey?

By |2019-08-15T10:03:16+02:00 6th July, 2014|Categories: Heat and desert, Hospitality, South East Turkey, Turkey|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

How interesting is it that we make plans along the way of our journey and still they always change all the time. We had planned to stay in Mardin to relax, investigate our route in Iraq or Mardin to Hakkari, update website and explore the town. For the photos see, Mardin and The road to Hakkari The town Mardin is [...]

Towards the South-East of Turkey

By |2019-08-15T10:03:17+02:00 21st June, 2014|Categories: Ancient civilizations, Central Turkey, Off the beaten path, South East Turkey, Turkey|Tags: , , , |

Leaving Cappadocia towards the South-East of Turkey was tough after a few great days with friends and eating out a lot. At the same time we were looking forward to be back on the bike and in our bicycle rhythm. We had been looking forward to first Istanbul, then Ankara for our visa and Cappadocia because of [...]

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