Off the beaten path

Cycling to Tehran in an hot air oven

By |2019-08-15T10:03:16+02:00 23rd July, 2014|Categories: Hospitality, Iran, Northern Iran, Off the beaten path|Tags: , , , |

The intensity of Iran has kept a high level regarding people, temperature, headwind and experiences. The last few days we have been cycling over small roads. One Iranian said: “that way only desert and small village”, and wanted us to take the main highway. We thought: “perfect”, and continued on the small road towards the desert and, [...]

Towards the South-East of Turkey

By |2019-08-15T10:03:17+02:00 21st June, 2014|Categories: Ancient civilizations, Central Turkey, Off the beaten path, South East Turkey, Turkey|Tags: , , , |

Leaving Cappadocia towards the South-East of Turkey was tough after a few great days with friends and eating out a lot. At the same time we were looking forward to be back on the bike and in our bicycle rhythm. We had been looking forward to first Istanbul, then Ankara for our visa and Cappadocia because of [...]

Friendly dogs on the old Ankara road

By |2019-08-15T10:03:17+02:00 21st May, 2014|Categories: Central Turkey, Modern cities, Off the beaten path, Turkey|Tags: , , , , |

We were ready to take on the rest of Turkey, although saying goodbye was a little bit sad because the stay at Ali, Martin's ex-colleague, had been very nice. Also we had the experience of cycling into Istanbul vividly in our minds. Luckily the way out of Istanbul was a lot more pleasant while following the old [...]

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