
Our most memorable routes

By |2019-08-15T10:03:56+02:00 30th November, 2015|Categories: Favorites|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

After having cycled for almost 22 months we have a special feeling for certain routes we have cycled on our journey. Sometimes because of the architecture, sometimes because of the people and sometimes because the cycling was just so tough and ultimately very rewarding in every aspect! It is hard to describe all our best roads, [...]

Welcoming Iran an understatement

By |2019-08-15T10:03:16+02:00 13th July, 2014|Categories: High mountains, Hospitality, Iran, Western Iran|Tags: , , , , , |

While we cycled over the last Turkish mountain pass (2250m) before reaching the Turkish/Iranian border we were imagining how welcoming Iran would be and how much would change. See all photos West Azerbaijan Iran The border crossing was a bit hectic. As they are building a new border the traffic is redirected around the building site, [...]

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